
Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Cool Mouse Trick

 I just found a cool mouse trick.

You know when you're selecting text to highlight so you can copy and paste from one document to another? And how annoying it can be trying to get your cursor in just exactly the right place?
Just put your cursor anywhere on the first word of the text you want and double-click. The word highlights; don't release your mouse. Then you can drag the cursor over the text until you get as far as you want.
Another way: select text with your keyboard, not your mouse. Move the cursor to where you want to begin, and press Shift-right arrow (Shift-left arrow goes in the opposite direction). That advances your marked text one letter at a time. Press Shift-Control-arrow to move one word at a time.

Friday, September 9, 2022

Interesting military video

 I wish there were more military videos like this one -- it's really easy to follow and understand (copy and paste it into your address bar):

Thursday, September 8, 2022

David Corn's New Book

Click here for a short article at Mother Jones by David Corn promoting his new book American Psychosis: A Historical Investigation of How the Republican Party Went Crazy. His thesis is that "since the 1950s, the Republican Party has brazenly encouraged and exploited right-wing extremism."

An illustrative paragraph: "It chronicles how the Republicans have fueled and fed on the worst elements of American public life since the McCarthy era. This includes Eisenhower surrendering to McCarthy in 1952; Goldwater’s alliance with the Birchers; Nixon’s racist Southern strategy; the rise of the New Right and the religious right (and their politics of hatred); Reagan’s partnership with the Moral Majority, whose leaders called for executing gay people, and his political ties to former Nazi collaborators (yes, really); the Limbaughization, Foxification, and Gingrichization of the GOP; the Bushes’ reliance on far-right and extreme (and bonkers) Christian right operatives; Palinism (as in Sarah); the Tea Party; and—ta dum!—Trump." 



Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Find Low Airfares


Click here for an article by Bob Rankin entitled "Find The Lowest Airfares Online."