
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Bryan Fischer, Radical Right, Thinks A More Moderate Romney Is Just Fine

"... liberals cannot be reasoned with, they cannot be dialogued with, they cannot be compromised with. They're not interested in compromise whatsoever. They cannot be collaborated with, they can only be defeated."

Click here for an article on Right Wing Watch by Kyle Mentyla entitled Fischer: Liberals Can't be Reasoned With, They Can Only be Defeated.

That refers to a radio broadcast by a Christian evangelical nutcase named Bryan Fischer. Fischer's bigotry was so excesssive that Romney disavowed some of his remarks early in the primary campaign. Fischer retaliated with more venom, and the two had a bit of a feud going for months.

Shortly before the Obama/Romney debate, Fischer took a poll of his listeners: Was he being too hard on Romney, and should he be more supportive of the Republican candidate even if his views were not sufficiently "conservative"? His listeners responded vehemently: Kick him even harder. They did not want to see squishiness in a Republican candidate.

Well, squishiness was what they got from Romney in the debate. I waited breathlessly for news of the vat of boiling tea that would surely inundate Romney the next morning. Surprise, surprise -- nothing. Romney was seen to have dominated a lackluster Obama, and his sliding fortunes had been reversed and his support rose steeply. Fischer decided Romney wasn't such a liberal monster after all, and that it's time for the faithful to silence their doubts and vote Republican.

You can imagine my shock and dismay at finding that the most rabid of tea partiers (Teahadists) are much more interested in winning the election than that their candidate stick to far-right principles.


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