
Monday, May 4, 2015

Republicans Are From Mars, Democrats Are From Venus

Members of the two parties view the world in entirely different ways.

Here in its entirety is an article by Joan McCarter at Daily Kos entitled Republican voters once again consumed by fear and "values."
People who still self-identify as Republican live in a totally different world than the rest of us, one made up primarily of fear. At least that's the findings of the the new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll. When asked to rank what issues were most important to them:

Republican primary voters' leading response was national security and terrorism (27 percent said it was their first choice).

That's followed by the deficit and government spending (24 percent), job creation and economic growth (21 percent) and religious and moral values (12 percent).

By comparison, the top priority for Democrats in the poll was job creation and economic growth (37 percent)—followed by health care (17 percent), climate change (15 percent) and national security and terrorism (13 percent).

As if Republican primary candidates needed more incentive to base their campaigns on fear and God and—never forget!—all the money the federal government spends on the poors.


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