
Monday, February 22, 2016

Trump: A Cri De Coeur From A Republican

A commenter on Red State:
In a word, no. I cannot in good conscience support a candidate whom I believe to be a dangerous demagogue willing to inflame the worst elements of society in order to win personal power. His election would kill the Republican Party as any vehicle for conservative governance or opposition. Worse, his policies and proposals, such as they are, would threaten to ignite a global trade war, which, if history is any guide, would be followed by a shooting war. Moreover, he is an arrogant, unprincipled narcissist with a reckless temperament and unstable personality whose worst traits would be validated by winning that much power.

I have voted for every Republican nominee since my first vote in 1972. I did so only twice with genuine enthusiasm, once in 1980 and again in 1984, and only two other times with anything even approaching satisfaction, in 2000 and 2004. On other occasions I've had to hold my nose or fight back a rising gorge. But I've always voted for the nominee because of the alternative. I cannot and will not vote for Donald Trump. Ever. Cruz is my first choice, but I would support anyone else running or any compromise candidate that might emerge not named Trump.

If Trump is the nominee, I will vote third party and do everything I can to make sure that the Republicans retain the House and Senate in order to simply hold the line as best as possible until sanity is restored and help can arrive in 2020.


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