
Thursday, March 3, 2016

Be Afraid -- Be Very, Very Afraid (Of The Donald)

Click here for an article in The Atlantic entitled "How Donald Trump Can Beat Hillary Clinton," by Derek Thompson. It's kind of frightening. The point Thompson makes is that Trump is a genius at pandering to his audience, saying things they want to hear. He's unconcerned about consistency; what he's said in the past (in the primary campaigh) will be irrelevant. He'll say very different things in the general. The race-baiting anti-immigrant tirades will be dialed well back; he'll be lamenting the demise of the middle class and promising middle-class tax cuts, enhancement of Medicare and Social Security, higher taxes on the rich, returning industry to the U.S., et cetera.

Thompson makes the point that according to the old saying, "You can fool all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time"; but Trump only has to fool half of the people -- once.


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