
Saturday, June 23, 2018

Reverence For The Dear Leader

Click here for an article at Crooks & Liars by Frances Langum (Blue Gal), entitled "Open Thread: Fox News, Or NoKo State TV? YOU Decide!"

Accompanied by swelling, inspirational martial music, and video clips of Kim and Trump before their adoring fans, Fox News and Korean state TV praise their leaders -- notice any similarity?
President Trump has now accomplished what no other American president has ever had the vision or the courage to even attempt.

With our venerable Supreme Leader's acute intelligence and courageous leadership, the world is able to witness this zenith of world peace and a vital moment for our humanity.


Only days ago, President Trump ushered in a new era of diplomacy.

Our venerable Supreme Leader comrade opened a new, triumphant era of diplomacy.


This is something that many analysts and pundits thought was totally impossible.

Who could have imagined that this moment was possible?


The president's continued success in his every undertaking, whether in domestic politics, international trade or foreign policy, President Trump standing taller than ever on the world stage ...

The venerable statesman, whose leadership has been verified by the world, our Supreme Leader comrade is a hero revered by all people.


Donald Trump has instincts that are different than ours, but most often, 99% of the time, they tendd to be better than ours.

We have this world-respected outstanding statesman, a once-in-a-lifetime great man as our leader.

And it's topped off with this expression of praise by Jeanine Pirro:

You simply can't comprehend the genius of Donald Trump. Our president has no fear!


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