
Friday, April 12, 2019

Thomas Massie (R-Kentucky) Is A Fool

Click here for an article in Rolling Stone by Tim Dickinson entitled "Is This the Dumbest Moment in Congressional History?" Congressman Thomas Massie (R-Kentucky)was questioning John Kerry at a congressional hearing on “The Need for Leadership to Combat Climate Change and Protect National Security." Dickinson says:
Kerry is an expert on climate change who helped broker the Paris climate accord and recently criticized president Trump for proposing to set up a task force that seeks to counter the scientific consensus on climate change. Massie calls advocates of climate action “alarmists” and believes that the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide is “plant food.”
Here's part of a transcript of the questioning:

Massie: Sec. Kerry, I want to read part of your statement back to you: “Instead of convening a kangaroo court, the president might want to talk with the educated adults he once trusted his top national security positions.” It sounds like you’re questioning the credentials of the president’s advisers, currently. But I think we should question your credentials today. Isn’t it true you have a science degree from Yale?
Kerry: Bachelor of arts degree.
Massie: Is it a political science degree?
Kerry: Yes, political science.
Massie: So how do you get a bachelor of arts, in a science?
Kerry: Well it’s a liberal arts education and degree. It’s a bachelor…
Massie: OK. So it’s not really science. So I think it’s somewhat appropriate that someone with a pseudo-science degree is here pushing pseudo-science in front of our committee today.
Kerry: Are you serious?! I mean this is really a serious happening here?

Freedom Works actually posted a 38-second video clip of the exchange, under the heading: .@RepThomasMassie takes John Kerry to SCHOOL! 😎 #ampFW #SassyWithMassie. I guess they're proud of it.

Massie responded to the resulting ridicule, defending(?) himself as follows:

"When I asked Kerry if he had a science degree, he answered 'no' but forgot to turn his microphone on," Massie wrote on Twitter Thursday. "The left has been using his flub to conceal what this exchange proved which is Kerry admitted he doesn't have a science degree, even though his degree says 'science.'"
Former national security adviser under President Barack Obama, Susan Rice, replied to Massie's tweet, "The idiocy is shocking. Even now."

Massie responded to Rice:

"Big government is the religion. Climate change is the hymnal," Massie fired back. "Have the audacity to tell a priest he has no clothes and all of the Obama administration has-beens will clear the bleachers to jump in the dumpster fire."

It's shocking to learn that Massie has two engineering degrees from MIT.


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