
Sunday, June 2, 2019

Tucker Carlson: "Mexico Is A Hostile Foreigh Power"

Who knew?

Click here for a short article at MediaMatters entitled "Tucker Carlson: Mexico is a "hostile foreign power" and America "must strike back."

It has a link to the Fox News broadcast, and says:
TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): When the United States is attacked by a hostile foreign power it must strike back. And make no mistake Mexico is a hostile foreign power. For decades the Mexican government has sent its poor north to our country. This has allowed that country's criminal oligarchy to maintain power and get even richer but at great expense to us. The flood of illegal workers into the United States has damaged our communities, ruined our schools, burdened our healthcare system and fractured our national unity.
Oooookay ... When I first read (at another publication) that Carlson had said "When the United States is attacked by a hostile foreign power it must strike back. And make no mistake Mexico is a hostile foreign power," I thought Carlson must simply have misspoken, and meant to say "Russia" or "China." But no, he's attacking Mexico as an enemy of the United States.

Russia, China, North Korea, Egypt, Turkey, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, and other repressive autocracies are fine, but Mexico is an enemy. Is Canada next?


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