
Tuesday, February 16, 2021


In the impeachment trial:

- 57 senators voted to convict Trump  - they represent 61.6% of the population (202 million)
- 43 senators voted to acquit Trump    - they represent 38.2% of the population (125 million)


- Mitch McConnell: biggest hypocrite in American politics:
    - refused to recall the senate to hold a trial on impeachment, then voted to acquit because Trump was no longer in office (and after voting to acquit, ripped Trump because he was "practically and morally responsible" for the January 6 attack on the Capitol)
    - blocked Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court 237 days before the 2016 election, confirmed Amy Coney Barrett 8 days before the 2020 election, when 65 million had already voted


Biden seems to be coming up with a new definition of "bipartisanship": Instead of needing 10 votes from a recalcitrant, obstructionist senate to defeat a filibuster, Biden is relying on support from Republican (as well as Democratic) governors and mayors, and from polls of the American public. Heather Cox Richardson says:

Republicans in Congress overwhelmingly stand against the bill, in part because it calls for $350 billion to provide aid to states and cities. But Republican governors and mayors are desperate for the assistance. Republican voters like it, too.


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