
Tuesday, October 17, 2023

I Responded To A Tweet By Joe Walsh

Here's the tweet from Walsh with my response below. (I think this will generate more than a few comments in the Twittersphere.)

I had to separate my long response into Twitter-sized segments. Here it is in the original Notepad format: 

I don't think AOC acquitted herself too badly here -- it's certainly not the "gotcha" moment you're implying (and a lot of folks just read the remarks and don't listen to the clip). I've transcribed about the last two minutes -- some summarized, some verbatim, and it's not cherry-picked. 

Speaking of cherry-picking, let's talk about dishonest rhetorical techniques. Abby didn't "repeatedly ask her 'Then how?' How?'" And you attribute a question to Abby that she didn't ask: "How is it possible to respond to Hamas with a ceasefire in place?" Good question, Joe, but Abby didn't ask it, and you shouldn't have placed it in quote marks. AOC isn't answering that question, because it wasn't asked. She's speaking more generally. 

Does AOC have the answer to the Israel/Palestine question? Surprise, surprise: She does not. She says there are problems with some of the approaches being taken now, and that it's up to Israel to "examine and explore" other options. 

 Here's my transcription. Maybe readers have comments. 

Phillip: "Do you really believe that they should not respond to" (the Hamas attacks)? 

AOC: Summary: "Israel does have a right to self-defense." Do collective punishment, a blockade on water, food, electricity, the dropping of white phosphorus -- which is an indiscriminate weapon -- qualify (as self-defense)? "So I do believe that there's a discussion to be had here." ... 

Phillip: ... "for Israel to deal with Hamas, which is a force that is actually detrimental to Palestinians" -- 

AOC: "Absolutely." 

 Phillip: -- "how else are they supposed to address a violent militant -- some say terrorist -- group, other than to go in there and take them on directly? 

AOC: "When we talk about 'going in there,' I think we should also keep in mind President Biden's statements as well, about what the implications of a potential ground invasion would be. This is an inherently complex situation. I do believe that Hamas needs to be dealt with" -- 

 Phillip: "But how, I think is what I'm trying to understand. 

AOC: -- "and I think what we're trying to figure out right now is that this present situation of collective punishment and indiscriminate attack is one approach, but we are seeing the issues and the complications with that approach now. 

Phillip: "I'm just -- 

AOC: "Can we target them in terms of intelligence? Is there precision? What are the options available are entirely up to the administration, and for Israel to examine and explore."


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