
Friday, May 9, 2014

Death Panels!

Click here for a story on Politico (Or as Charles Pierce calls it, "Tiger Beat on the Potomac") by Harold Pollack entitled Death on the Installment Plan, with a subtitle, Now we know: Rejecting the Medicaid expansion could kill nearly 6,000 people each year. A study of the Massachusetts (Romney Care) system published in Annals of Internal Medicine showed that
Insurance coverage reduced mortality rates by about 30 percent. For every 830 people newly insured, Massachusetts prevented one death per year.
The last paragraph of the article:
One thing is for sure. If anything close to these results apply, the ACA is saving many lives every year. The new law is projected to cover more than 20 million adults who would otherwise go uninsured. The Massachusetts estimates imply that the ACA will prevent something in the neighborhood of 24,096 deaths every year (simply: 20 million divided by 830). That’s more than twice the number of Americans killed in gun homicides. It’s considerably more than the number of Americans who die from HIV/AIDS.
So when Republican-dominated state legislatures refuse federal grants to cover 5 million of their poorest citizens with Medicaid insurance, doesn't that make them -- DEATH PANELS?


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