
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Under The Right-Wing Rock (Shower After Reading)

Click here for a Digby post at Hullabaloo entitled "Kooky Extremist Cartoon." She says:
After I googled this silly story to get a sense of what this cartoon is I found that it's a series of episodes that are carried all over the internet on Tea party and libertarian web sites. It's a fascinating amalgam of right wing conspiracy theories, libertarian myth and conservative shibboleth. I think it may be the most accurate representation of the ideologically confused, hysterical right I've ever seen.
There are three "seasons" of this thing, more than any normal person could ever watch in a sitting. And perhaps the most hilarious thing about it is the fact that it bills itself this way:
Conrad the Constitution. Web series that follows Conrad, the living breathing U.S. Constitution.
I'm going to guess they're unaware that the concept of a "living" Constitution is the hallmark of liberal jurisprudence.
Here's another right-wing blog's explanation of the cartoon:
"Tim Fox is a graduate of San Diego State University where he studied film and television production. Having worked on many projects since graduation, Tim has focused his talents on exposing the errors in American politics today. Tim, along with his older brother Jay, are the creators of a new animated web series called Conrad the constitution. The series follows Conrad, the friendly constitution next door, as he guards his amendments from frequent molestation;in Washington DC. Meant to educate and entertain its audience, Conrad pulls no punches, and leaves no stone unturned.
Not surprisingly, Tim Fox received a visit from the Secret Service. The editors of a sympathetic blog,, put it this way:
The episode in question depicts the cartoon character, Conrad the Constitution (image, left), after passing out on paint fumes, falls in a dream sequence where he traveled six years into the future only to discover an America in tatters and under Marshal Law [sic] – with Obama still in the White House. Conrad then engineers a plan to set the nation free from dictatorship by assassinating the President. When Conrad finally awakens from his nightmare, he realises it was just a dream after being brought around by friend Ron Paul.
After the break, see the complete comment section from that site -- warning: It isn't pretty -- and the animated video itself.

Here are the comments (sorry about the formating -- and about the content):

gerbilcrusader • 5 months ago The criminal acts done by the piece of shit traitors in the secret service are that of muslims attacking our free speech. Lucky for them, they didn't visit this fighter. Time for a civil war against these domestic enemies. These secret service traitors swore an oath to defend the constitution. Following obama's orders to violate the Constitution is an act of war and high treason by obama and his secret service.

nosyjme • 5 months ago A political threat against de fueher!!! OMG!!! How many people REALLY threatened to kill bush? And that was "funny"??? I would like to have some of the "bush" bumper stickers that I saw with osamba's name on them, but then the SS would be at MY door.... SMFH!!!

Predrag J. Maranovic nosyjme • 5 months ago You're right. I can't count how many times Bush was burned in ethegy or how many banners at marched etc. This President is an embarassment who's out done Bush, and that's saying something.

nosyjme Predrag J. Maranovic • 5 months ago It is almost as IF he thinks he is King or something....

Eileen Kuch nosyjme • 5 months ago Well, nosyjme, he does think he's the Dear Leader, such as Kim Jong-Un.

Schlange • 5 months ago Mustn't talk bad about Dear Leader.

Ron • 5 months ago The new SS!

isnamthere • 5 months ago If something like this had happened under GW, this lucky cartoonist would be sitting in jail right now.

Defiant isnamthere • 5 months ago LMAO! Right. mean like the guy who made the video that "caused" Benghazi? Oh that's right! He DIDN'T! But he's been cooling his heels since it happened because Obummer won't let him out of jail! LOL! Stop giving us "ifs" and "buts" and look at the stuff that is ACTUALLY happening...and it's YOUR boy doing it! Lying to me OR yourself won't actually change anything...

Predrag J. Maranovic Defiant • 5 months ago EXACTLY. The Benghazi Video scam - Barry, Hillary, and the stool pigeon Susan Rice all hung their bras on that stupid lie. Power hungry sychopaths and habitual liars, all of them.

Defiant • 5 months ago "Apparently, the White House has deemed the cartoon as some type of threat, although the Secret Service did not make clear whether the fictitious animation posed a physical, or a political threat to the President." They don't need to make it any clearer. We all know the drill. We'd know it was just political persectution even if we DIDN'T know that a cartoon can't actually kill someone! LOL! Obama and his brownshirts can SURE dish it...but talk about a glass jaw! If I were a SS agent (Secret Service, NOT Schutzstaffel...though these days I'm not sure there's much difference, besides the style of the uniforms), I would feel like a REAL moron harassing anyone who voices their displeasure with the current regime. I'm really hoping that, when the time comes, our folks in uniform will make the correct choice.

gerbilcrusader Defiant • 5 months ago There will be a war on these tyrrants in the near future and the treasonist bastards know it. I'd rather see that they die then us! We will fight back to the death and their deaths to save the remaining Americans who will survive the coming civil war. Why else you think obamavia building his FEMA camps and stocking up on portable coffins, ammo and MRAP armored vehicles and gives more guns to drug dealers and muslim jihadists?

checker99 • 5 months ago Weaponization of Gub'ment

PostAmerican • 5 months ago Anytime the life of any President of the United States, whether that POTUS is a Republican or a Democrat, is threatened the Secret Service will investigate. That is just basic common sense. It isn't rocket science.

Predrag J. Maranovic PostAmerican • 5 months ago Really? Umm, no, it's not rocket science - it's a fictional cartoon. If anyone genuinely felt threatened by that piece of satire, they need a head examination, or they are a dictator with a jupiter-sized ego..

Mary Brown PostAmerican • 5 months ago Dude get a grip, this was a cartoon and not a threat.

PostAmerican Mary Brown • 5 months ago Doesn't matter, they still have to investigate it. They would do the same for any POTUS of any political party in any day and age. duh

gerbilcrusader PostAmerican • 5 months ago Only if it's a democrat moron. The liberal turds constantly threatened George W but never got a visit. We all know all the double standards for you libtards! I wasn't a Bush supporter either.

Here, in all its artistic glory, is Conrad the Constitution, series 2, episode 8:


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