
Sunday, June 14, 2015

Florida Healthcare Subsidies For Me, But Not For Thee

Click here for an article at The Seminole Democrat blog entitled "FL GOP kills Medicaid AND refuses to stop their $8 gold packages. HERE'S WHAT WE DO."

The big guns in the Florida state legislature -- 17,589 people, including the governor, cabinet, various management-level employees, and their staff -- get medical insurance subsidized by the state. The cost to Florida taxpayers for this little perk? $1 million a month. The cost of medical insurance for the chosen few? $30 per month for a family, or $8 per month for an individual.

Other state employees pay $180 per month for a family, $50 per month for an individual.

The average cost, to the average person in the state of Florida for medical insurance, is $1,347 per month.

Meanwhile, about 700,000 low-income Floridians are stranded in the state’s “coverage gap,” in which they make too much money to qualify for Medicaid but not enough to qualify for tax credits on the exchange. Governor Rick Scott refuses to accept the Obamacare solution, whereby the federal government would pay 100% of the cost of expanding Medicade to subsidize health care insurance costs for those 700,000 people, falling to 90% over time.


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