
Monday, February 22, 2016

Republican Obstructionism - A Comprehensive View

Click here for a MARVELOUS article at Daily Kos by Jon Perr, entitled "How Republicans turned the unprecedented into the new normal." It's a long article, but it's well worth taking the time to absorb it all. It covers Republican obstructionism in court appointments and appointments of administration staff nominees, and taking the debt ceiling hostage.

The article points out how the Democrats repeatedly reacted far differently when the party roles were reversed. As Perr says:
Why did Democrats choose cooperation where Republicans chose sabotage? Because it’s not true that “both sides do it.” Because we’re living in age of “asymmetric polarization” in which one political party has now normalized the previously inconceivable. As Thomas Mann and Norman Ornstein put it in summing up their 2013 book, It's Even Worse Than It Looks:

"Let's just say it: The Republicans are the problem."


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