
Monday, May 20, 2019

Trump's Vulgar Language

Click here for an article at The New York Times by Peter Baker entitled "Trump and the Four-Letter Presidency."

There's no doubt Trump has coarsened political debate with his profanities and obscenities:
His is the profanity presidency, full of four-letter denunciations of his enemies and earthy dismissals of allegations lodged against him. At rallies and in interviews, on Twitter and in formal speeches, he relishes the bad-boy language of a shock jock, just one more way of gleefully provoking the political establishment bothered by his norm-shattering ways.
And he's becoming more comfortable with vulgar speech as time goes on:
An unscientific survey seems to suggest that if anything, Mr. Trump is growing more comfortable with crudeness. He used the word “bullshit” in public just once in his first two years in office, according to the database that tracks his speeches, but on four occasions in the last three months.
The article notes that the use of such language is spreading. The New York Times published the word "bullshit" 14 times in its history prior to its first use by Trump; since then, the word has appeared 26 times -- not all in stories relating to Trump.

Of course, typical Trump: He's hypocritical about it.
Yet Mr. Trump feigned shock in January when the newly elected Representative Rashida Tlaib of Michigan said she and her fellow House Democrats were “going to impeach the motherfucker.” The president told reporters that “she dishonored herself” by “using language like that in front of her son and whoever else was there.”


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