
Sunday, January 3, 2021

Steve Schmidt vs. Republican Autocrats


Steve Schmidt, John McCain's campaign manager, who has since repudiated his membership in the Republican party, made a harsh attack today against the Republicans planning their palace coup on January 6, with their shock troops, the Proud Boys, leading the attempted putsch outside the Capitol. Here's what Steve has to say about it, in a multi-tweet blast:

2021 will be a hard year in the life of the American nation. There is a great struggle that lies before us, and our disbelief at its arrival must not blind us to the lethal danger it poses to the American experiment.

The poisonous bounty of Trump’s catastrophic presidency is ready for harvest, and the whole world will get to watch his seditious antics play out during a joint session of Congress on January 6th. It will play out as a farce and it will fail.  Nearly 100 years on, America will have its version of the Beer Hall Putsch.

The danger lies in the act, not the outcome. We are in a dangerous moment, and I’d like to try my best to explain how I see it.

Before I start, there is an important matter of fact which unfortunately needs restating. Joe Biden won the presidential election decisively. The election was free, fair, and legitimate. There is no evidence of any widespread fraud. Allegations of fraud are premeditated lies being made by a rancid assortment of Trump’s stooges and propagandists. With the exception of a few of the more addled House GOP members like Louis Gohmert, every single House Member and every US Senator that participates in denying this reality, and thus the legitimacy of our election, does so as a cynical act which they know for certain has no legitimate basis.

Such actions are a grievous sin against American democracy and a brutal betrayal of their oaths of office and duty. They will be desecrating the blood sacrifices of 13 generations of American patriots of all creeds and origins who died so that our children could be free. They are fighting to maintain the power of a defeated president against the sovereign will of the American people as lawfully exercised under the Constitution of the United States.

They are fighting to establish a tyranny. They are deliberately poisoning faith and belief in American democracy.  Democratic republics cannot survive such a collapse. The system is rooted in the willingness of one side to cede power to another at the will of the people. There are no other systems of government that are free except for this type.

The legitimacy of that system is being strangled by Trump's lies and the lies of his movement. That movement is an autocratic one with fascistic markers. It is hostile to the American Constitution, the rule of law, and the highest ideas and ideals of American liberty.

January 6 will be a historic day in America. The battle lines will be drawn. The autocrats will step forward into the light. They will include a majority of the House GOP Conference.  After the 6th, Kevin McCarthy will be the leader of House Autocrats and Liz_Cheney will be the Leader of House Conservatives. They will include a substantial number of GOP Senators and almost all of the known GOP Presidential aspirants.

The Rubicon will be crossed on the 6th.  The ruthless and amoral cynicism of Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Marco Rubio, Senator James Lankford, Senator Marsha Blackburn, Senator Ron Johnson, Senator John Kennedy, Senator Mike Braun, and Senator Josh Hawley will be on appalling display.

It must be opposed fiercely. It must be recognized for what it is. Another storm is gathering in the constant struggle between liberty and her enemies. Trump has unleashed the furies and has found his following. It will be a long fight. At the hour of his defeat and defenestration, Trump has done his greatest damage. This is a movement that is fueled by lies, conspiracies, corruption, greed, extremism, racism, grievance, resentment, cynicism, and a profound absence of love for America.

It is right to feel anger and contempt towards its leaders and enablers. There is only one proposition that America’s pro-democracy coalition can offer to these people: “We win - you lose.” It’s that simple. Sedition is the precise word and the right word to describe what we have been witnessing.  Never before have so many American leaders betrayed their country. We will watch their eternal disgrace on live TV. The evidence of their ignominy will exist forever as will the memory of their monumental betrayal.  Shame on them all.


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