
Monday, January 22, 2024

Here's a cut-and-pasted message from Quora, a question answered by Kris Harpster:

How did America get to the point where a sociopath, a criminal, a traitor, and a petty conman is commanding a major political party?

Some say it started with Ronald Reagan and his bullshit about “trickle-down economics” and the untrustworthiness of the democratic govenment. Lying congenially, with one hand in the pockets of the poor and middle class, and the other hand forking it over to corporations.

Reagan stole from the Social Security fund, and then started taxing Social Security income, setting news lows of greed and self-servingness for Republican governance.

Ronald Reagan And The Great Social Security Heist |
The author says that the Social Security amendments passed under Reagan's presidency laid the foundation for 30 years of embezzlement of the trust funds.

But really, the blatant sociopathy, the cold as death soullessness, the treachery, and the betrayal of America, and the American people, commenced with former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, who proposed a “Contract with America,” which was, in essence, a disenfranchisement of all but the wealthy. Worse, Gingrich introduced the sociopathic concept of of stonewalling into governance, the refusal of cooperation with Democratics, in fact, refusal of engagement in the democratic process. In fact, sabotage of the democratic process. Lying, cheating, sabotage, smear-campaigning—the whole toolbox of narcissists and sociopaths—became the standard of Republican governance. I am not suggesting that any of this was entirely new, but the vile sociopath, Gingrich, raised it to an evil artform. Look at this guy. Would you trust this guy with anything?

The Republican party had been drawing the less principled of the politically-inclined, and of the people, for a while by the time Gingrich reared his ugly head.

Also, in the nineties, the so-called “Christian” evangelicals, the selfish and greedy sect of “Christians,” led by the likes of this psychopathic fraudster…

…had become political, and no, not because of abortion—that was always complete bullshit—because they saw the greed and corruption taking over, in politics, in the form of the Republican Party, and they wanted their cut. Do you think that people like Pat Robertson were going to let politicians take all that money and power for themselves?

Wherever criminals see a profitable racket, they want their cut. And the Republican Party had become a racket, with the United States government their racket.

And so, why would it suprise anyone that America’s #1 career criminal conman, grifter extraordinaire, donald trump, would rear HIS ugly head, demanding HIS cut?

He is THE ONE, wih his utter malignant narcissism, his hatred and greed and contempt, to lead the Republican Party, at last, to their Promised Land of corporate power over the nation, oligarchy and Fascistic control of America, and the American people. This will be Gingrich’s “Contract with America” fulfilled.


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