
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Greed Is Good.

An article entitled Wall Street's Gekko.

Almost twenty years ago I read a possibly apocryphal story -- I can't find a reference to it on the Web -- about a reporter who got an interview with the notoriously reclusive multibillionaire and corporate raider Ivan Boesky in the early '90s. They met at one of New York's most expensive restaurants. The reporter was given a menu; Boesky said, "I'll have one of everything."

"Of course, Mr. Boesky," said the waiter.

The article didn't describe the mechanics of how this worked: Did they bring him the dishes one after another? Did they line up steam trays filled with dishes beside him? But the reporter said that Boesky picked unenthusiastically at one item after another -- a truffle, a spoon of caviar, a piece of game bird, a piece of steak.

Greed is good.


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