
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Extreme Vetting? Like What Refugees Already Get?

Here's extreme vetting for you: the situation already in place. According to Phil Torres, in an article at Salon entitled "Donald Trump’s “Muslim ban” is already backfiring — and its consequences will only get worse":
As PolitiFact has outlined, refugees need a referral from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees prior to screening by U.S. authorities. Only about 1 percent of these individuals end up getting through this. The U.S. then has its own security measures, which involve background checks, fingerprint analysis and an interview with the Department of Homeland Security. If prospective refugees get through all this, “they then undergo a medical screening, a match with sponsor agencies, ‘cultural orientation’ classes and one final security clearance. . . . Syrian refugees in particular must clear one additional hurdle. Their documents are placed under extra scrutiny and cross-referenced with classified and unclassified information.” The probability of dodging these obstacles is extremely low.
If a terrorist wants to get into the U.S., why take that route instead of simply flying in and overstaying their visa?

The article says that there are 784,000 people living in the U.S. who came here as refugees; three havve been charged with plotting a terrorist attack. The odds that one particular U.S. citizen -- you, for instance -- will be killed or injured by a refugee are approximately 3.64 billion to 1 -- sort of like the odds against being killed by a lightning strike while you're being devoured by a shark.

Read the article; there's a lot more good stuff there about refugees and immigrants.


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