
Thursday, August 29, 2024

Remember Traitor Trump's Attack on the Capitol!

This is copy-and-pasted from a question on Quora answered by Henry R. Greenfield:

It is August 28, 2024, new videos have been released as part of a documentary focusing on Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House and the attack on the US Capitol by Trump supporters on Jan 6, 2021, who he told to go down and take back your country after a rally on the Mall in an attempt to block the certification of Biden’s decisive victory over Trump and so that Trump could overturn the election and end democracy in America.

He failed, but just barely and he is still trying to do it to this very day denying still that he lost.

She added, ‘he’s got to pay a price for this’.

Trump did not pay a price for it as the Republicans chickened out in the Senate and not enough voted to convict him at his 2nd impeachment and those who did like Mitt Romney were ostracized and eventually forced out of the Senate and the GOP.

Trump paid nothing, nothing at all. After a short shock where Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell among others blamed him for the insurrection, they now have not just ‘kissed the ring’ but McConnell even stood up at the roll call at the RNC and cast Kentucky’s votes for Trump.

The reality is while Mike Pence did the obvious right thing and simply certified what was already a foregone proven conclusion, that Biden had soundly beaten Trump in the popular vote and in the electoral college, most of the Republicans ran. Eventually they ran back and cowered in front of the ‘domestic enemy in the White House’ Donald Trump and now are completely beholden to them.

Remember this comic scene a couple of months ago:

Marco Rubio so taken with Trump’s return to the Capitol for the 1st time since Jan 6, ‘we got the team back together again’.

I watch the apologists on Fox and the never ending pundits who make excuses for Trump saying versions of, everyone knows him, or what you see is what you get. And then immediately launch into attacks on Harris for something she said 5 years ago like it is the gospel while Trump trying to overthrow the government is just passed off as oh well, shit happens.

The is the travesty of the GOP today. They not only have no spine, they have come to worship their little anti-christ. He stands there in the US capitol which his minions were told to go down and take back your country and they tried, stands there, all of them mocking their oath to the constitution of the USA.

Laughing at these fools while they suck up to him as the ‘team is back together’.

What team Little Marco? Are you on the team that tried to overthrow the government? Are you declaring yourself to be a traitor to your oath of office. Is Mitch McConnell not had enough with his manipulation, lies and stuffing the Supreme Court changing and rechanging the rules so that women can have their constitutional rights taken away. So that Trump can now be a little king if he is elected as he has been made immune, like some kind of alien who no one can get rid of.

Watch the videos with Pelosi. What is absolutely amazing is how calm she is. 80 years old at the time, totally together. Lamenting where is the National Guard, admitting that she should have seen this coming. Asking why do we put people in charge who do not protect the capitol. Concluding that there is a domestic enemy in the White House.

All as she is walking away to a waiting car to take her to safety while her office was trashed and someone literally took a ‘shit’ on her desk.

By the way these are the people Trump will honor on his Jan 6′er dinner at where else, his golf club of course. Where he plans to raise millions for himself in September. Yes, this traitor is actually raising money ostensibly for the defense of the traitors who attacked the capitol and then of course he will grift it and steal it all.


I wish I could remain as calm as Pelosi. Maybe we should be listening to the 200 former Trump staffers who signed a letter today supporting Kamala Harris.

Maybe we should remember that 40 of the 44 cabinet members of Trump refused to endorse him.

Maybe just maybe, someone on the Republican side that is in power will stop kissing Trump’s fat ass and say, he is a traitor because that is what he was and is and always will be.

He is telling you all exactly who he is all the time. Dictator for a day, deportation for 15 million, Muslim ban, pro Christian Nationalism, pro white racists like in Charlottesville where there were ‘good people on both sides’. Yeh like this:

Unite the right rally which is why Biden ran for President and beat Trump.

You cannot let this mini wannabe dictator back in.

Otherwise the domestic enemy in the White House will make sure there will be no more democracy in America.

That my friends is what you have to contemplate as you prepare to go to the polls starting in less than a month on early voting.

Trump and fascism or America and democracy. That’s what’s on the table yet again.

Once and for all bury this guy in a landslide for Harris/Walz and continue to restore some dignity to the country and hopefully give the Republicans the will to excise this cancer from their party.

Or do you want Trump’s NAZI and racist followers tramping through the halls of Congress again, this time owning it and taking it away from you, the people of America.

You have a choice, make the right one and make sure you vote BLUE.


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