
Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Narcissistic Collapse

Click here for an article in Psychology Today by Ellnor Greenberg, Ph.D., entitled "What is Narcissistic Collapse?" 

Key points:

  • Narcissists can experience a narcissistic collapse when faced with a situation resulting in public humiliation and failure.
  • During a narcissistic collapse, the narcissistic defenses that keep them confident are no longer working.

In a narcissistic collapse, they feel extremely anxious, depressed, ashamed, and may be unable to keep functioning. 

Exhibitionist narcissists "use a simple three-part defense to create a façade of extreme self-confidence. I call this the “GOD defense.”

G – Grandiosity: They act as if they are special and entitled to do or say whatever they want. Grandiose motto: “I am special.”

O – Omnipotent: They make all sorts of unrealistic claims about how powerful and knowledgeable they are. Omnipotent motto: “I can do anything, and I know everything worth knowing,”

D – Devaluing: They feel free to attack and devalue anyone who is not clearly above them in their status hierarchy. Devaluing motto: “You are worthless, defective garbage, and are here to serve me.”

Remind you of anyone? Trump has been extremely low energy lately, dragging himself listlessly through his appearances.


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