For one thing, Hillary may have AIDS due to Bill's hanging around with Magic Johnson. Obama is a Muslim terrorist. "He does the Muslim principles as far as jewelry is concerned." (Apparently Muslims don't wear jewelry during certain months?)
"Barack Obama had big part of 9/11."
"Which part?"
"Not being around. Always on vacation. Never in the office."
"Why do you think Barack Obama wasn't in the Oval Office on 9/11?"
"That, I don't know. I'd like to get to the bottom of that."
There's a lot more. And you know it's true, because they got it off Twitter and Facebook.
Charlie Pierce at Esquire says:
Something spiraled out of control here, an unleashing of the hateful, paranoid id at the expense of logic, reason, and common decency. Obviously some of these people were just dumb, like the guy who wanted to "get to the bottom" of why Obama wasn't in the Oval Office on 9/11. (Hint: It may have been because he was an Illinois state senator at the time.) But there was more at play here. It was a reckless and gleeful disregard for facts, evidence, and truth.And:
The dark heart of birtherism ran through it all. People threw out wild accusations about the president—which, as they readily admitted, they have no evidence for—some of which were totally incongruous. The only thing uniting the claims was that they made Obama something Other Than Us. Whenever Klepper used their logic against them, their brains short-circuited.
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