
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It's My Long-Held Belief That ... Oh, Wait.

[Is it something in the Arizona water?]

David Nir at Daily Kos

AZ-Sen: Jeff Flake then:

That's the difficulty of a campaign. I mean, it's easy to just say, "Seal the border and enforce the law." What does that really mean? What does that entail? And when you're able to explain it, then they're all right. And I think for those who don't agree with my position—think that it ought to be something different—at least I think they give me a little credit for sticking with my position because I've always believed this is what we need and I continue to believe regardless of the political environment.
Jeff Flake now:
In the past I have supported a broad approach to immigration reform - increased border security coupled with a temporary worker program. I no longer do. I've been down that road, and it is a dead end. The political realities in Washington are such that a comprehensive solution is not possible, or even desirable, given the current leadership.


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