
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Red State Roundup - Views From Our Friends On The Right

Leon H. Wolf is beside himself with rage over U.S. Senator Scott Brown's (R-MA) position on federal funding for Planned Parenthood. “I support family planning and health services for women,” said Brown in a statement.

"Scott Brown ... has been bought and paid for by the abortion industry.... I think someone - anyone - ought to challenge Scott Brown in a primary.... And if he should survive that primary, I have no idea why any Republican should feel that he deserves their vote in the general. Taxpayer funding of abortion is a replusive position that is outside the American mainstream and it shouldn’t be identified as 'bipartisan.'”

[Federal funding for abortion is already forbidden in almost all cases by the Hyde Amendment. Planned Parenthood is being attacked and demonized by the right, which equates PP with abortion.

Rush Limbaugh:  "What do you do when you go to Planned Parenthood? What do you go in there for? Tell me the word. You go into Planned Parenthood for an abortion, all right?" 

In fact, according to statistics on the Planned Parenthood Federation of America website, "Three percent of all Planned Parenthood health services are abortion services" and "82 percent of our clients receive services to prevent unintended pregnancy."]


Michael Hammond, on the budget impasse, says:

  • The Republican leadership balks because they do not want to get the blame for shutting down the government -– which would be shut down for the sole reason that Barack Obama refuses to sign a bill to keep it open, if the price for him is defunding the ObamaCare program which independent voters hate.
  • Finally, the Republican leadership fears the damage to the economy –- again, a slowdown of the recovery during Barack Obama’s watch for the sole reason that Obama would rather crash the economy than defund ObamaCare. (From a Republican perspective, that’s called having all 52 cards in your hand.)
[Republicans do not, for sure, want to get the blame for shutting down the government -- the party leaders, at least; the Tea Party fringe are clamouring for it. Republican strategists are knocking themselves out trying to blame any shutdown on Obama -- he "refuses to sign a bill", or he "would rather crash the economy than defund ObamaCare."

Hammond fears that Boehner and McConnell will wilt before the ferocious, implacable Democrat onslaught and cravenly refuse to shut down the government.]


LaborUnionReport posts a 41-year-old story on Red State of the bombing death of a San Francisco policeman, suggesting the perpetrators were Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn (Weather Underground).  Why? Because Ayers is giving a speech on education tonight in New Jersey.


Neil Stevens weighs in on the side of AT&T in its takeover of T-Mobile -- the biggest wireless carrier in the U.S. taking over the third-biggest, establishing the industry as a duopoly (with Verizon the only other major competitor).  We are gouged unmercifully in North America for cellular and wireless; what is needed is more competition, not less.  An editorial in The Economist titled "Not so fast, Ma Bell" rejects AT&T's claim that the merger will "further improve the customer experience" by making AT&T more competitive with Verizon.

"This new-found zeal for serving consumers needs to be taken with a pinch of salt," the essay warns. "AT&T now gets the worst customer-satisfaction ratings among the main mobile operators. The deeper question is whether two [big carriers] is enough, especially in a business that is evolving as fast, and becoming as important to people's lives, as mobile communications."


The honcho at Red State, Obama-basher Erick Erickson (why is this detestable toad announcing on CNN?), posts an article entitled "Al Qaeda and America on the Same Team." I didn't link to it because it has no content, just a title; it's what's called an "open thread", where comments are invited. The implication, obviously, is that Obama is playing into Al Qaeda's hands, if not actually collaborating with them.


Op-Ed in the Washington Examiner:  Led Into War By A President Who Can't Be Trusted.

Ironically, they mean Obama.


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