
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Racial Integration Occurred Because Of The Free Market's "Invisible Hand"

William Mattox, at Breitbart's "Big Government", cites an article by Mark Schug and William Wood -- "... two professors who possess Jackie Robinson-like talent in the economics education labor market." [!] Excerpt:

In the case of major league baseball’s desegregation, Schug and Wood invite students to learn about how labor markets function – and, specifically, how the competition for top talent made it impossible, eventually, for Major League Baseball owners to sustain an agreement to deny opportunities to African-American ballplayers.

While heralding the “courage and determination” of Jackie Robinson and of Branch Rickey (the white baseball executive who signed Robinson), Schug and Wood suggest that larger economic forces were at work in baseball’s desegregation – a fact which can help deepen our understanding of this historical episode without diminishing our admiration for the central players in this grand drama.

[So the greed-is-good mentality integrated MLB, and everyone lived happily ever after.]


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