An article by Larry Klayman appearing at WND,
WorldNetDaily, a truly lunatic right-wing site, entitled
BHO uses Osama death to further Muslim interests It includes such goodies as:
The hard fact is that most Muslims in the United States have remained silent in the years since 9/11 and have done little to nothing in the way of healing. One of the biggest offenders in this regard is the "mullah in chief" himself, who not only refused last year to have a White House celebration of the National Day of Prayer, but instead feasted the Muslim holiday of Ramadan. Obama used the occasion, not coincidentally, to endorse the Ground Zero mosque.
In the wake of OBL's death, Obama also paid additional homage to his favored Muslims. First, he ordered that OBL receive an immediate Muslim burial at sea, at U.S. taxpayers' expense, incredibly in accordance with Shariah law. Then, in further deference to Muslims, he refused to order the release of the photos proving that OBL indeed was killed, claiming that it would offend and inflame Muslims worldwide – as if they are not inflamed enough against Christians and Jews, by their own accord.
In short, what we saw this week was Obama and his Muslim friends literally "making love" with each other, all made possible thanks to the death of OBL. While it was "theatre of the absurd," there does not seem to be a denouement in sight to Obama and his administration's support of Muslims at our expense.
So there you have it: The American military finally succeeds in killing OBL, and our Muslim-sympathizing president uses it as an occasion to in effect feast, bow down to and further the interests of Muslims worldwide. This is further proof that the enemy not only rests in the halls of al-Qaida, but the hallowed halls of our White House.
Click here for an earlier Owls' Nest post entitled
Front Page Of World Net Daily After Bin Laden Death Announcement - Doesn't It Make You Want To Subscribe?
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