
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Charlie Pierce Responds to a Trump Speech (Sad.)

Click here for Charlie's response to an extended Trump attack on Hillary Clinton.

The article is titled "Let's Parse All the Bullsh*t in Trump's Speech About Hillary," with the subheading "Anyone in the mood for some barefaced non-facts?​"

Some takeaways:
There were some lines of attack that, were they not being delivered by a self-evident public charlatan, might have proven effective. Like most politicians of the past 30 years, and like most people operating within the current financial elite, HRC really has been cozy with some unsavory people and regimes around the world. In fact, one of them was Donald Trump.
HRC did not "singlehandedly destabilize the entire Middle East." She had a lot of help in the years between 2001 and 2009, when somebody nobody mentions anymore was running things.
He concludes, concerning Trump's statement that "Americans are the people that tamed the West, that dug out the Panama Canal, that sent satellites across the solar system, that built the great dams, and so much more. Then we started thinking small. We stopped believing in what America could do, and became reliant on other countries, other people, and other institutions. We lost our sense of purpose and daring":
How did we abandon our dreams of greatness that we demanded of our self-governing Republic? We didn't dig the Panama Canal; our government did, after it stole the land from Colombia. We, as individuals, didn't tame the West; our government did, with railroads and homesteading and the U.S. Cavalry. We didn't ourselves build the Hoover Dam; our government did. We didn't create our own private space exploration; our government did.

How could the country have come to such a sorry pass? Perhaps a clue can be found in a speech given from the U.S. Capitol by a newly elected president on a cold, clear January morning in 1981.

In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.



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