
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Who's The World-Class Liar, Donald?

Click here for a short video from PoltiFact entitled "Fact-checking Donald Trump's speech calling Hillary Clinton 'a world-class liar.'" In his speech, Trump said:

1. "I was among the earliest to criticize the rush to war (in Iraq), even before the war ever started." Rating: "FALSE. There is no record to support this claim."

2. "For the amount of money Hillary Clinton would like to spend on refugees, we could rebuild every inner city in America." Rating: "PANTS ON FIRE. Trump's numbers are off by a huge margin. It would cost much more to rebuild inner cities than admit refugees."

3. "... or her phony landing in Bosnia, where she said she was under attack, and the attack turned out to be young girls handing her flowers." Rating: "TRUE. Trump is correct. Hillary Clinton was welcomed without incident and has since retracted her statement."

4. "(Ambassador Chris Stevens) was left helpless to die as Hillary slept soundly in her bed." Rating: "FALSE. Clinton was not asleep when the attacks unfolded. [It was 3 p.m. Washington time.] Email records show she worked until 11 p.m."

So the Donald accused Hillary of four lies; only one of them could be even remotely considered to be a "lie," or she could have been misremembering the event, or confusing it with another.

If you continue to watch the clip, it starts a new video from PolitiFact entitled "The top 10 biggest falsehoods from the year of Trump (in no particular order)." These are:

1. The Mexican government forces many bad people into our country. (PANTS ON FIRE) 2. The number of immigrants in the United States is 30 million, or maybe 34 million. (PANTS ON FIRE) 3. Mexico can afford to build a wall because of their billion-dollar trade deficit with the U.S. (FALSE) 4. Ted Cruz's father was with Lee Harvey Oswald before the assassination of JFK. (PANTS ON FIRE) 5. Crime is rising. (PANTS ON FIRE) 6. We're the highest taxed nation in the world. (FALSE) 7. Thousands of people in New Jersey cheered as the twin towers fell. (PANTS ON FIRE) 8. He was totally against the war in Iraq for many years. (FALSE) 9. There is no system to vet refugees from the Middle East. (FALSE) 10. The unemployment rate is actually 42 percent. (PANTS ON FIRE)

And Hillary Clinton is a "world-class liar"?


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