
Sunday, March 2, 2025

China's View of the Vance/Trump/Zelensky Oval Office Debacle

CGTN is the English-language news channel of state-run China Global Television Network. This spokesman, who claims to have covered the White House for six years and attended "countless bilateral summits," expresses shock at the ambush of Zelensky and says he has never seen anything like this. 

"Shocking. Horrendous. Humiliating. "This will go down in history as one of the most undiplomatic moments in international relations." 

He gives "four quick takeaways": 

1. U.S. politicians cannot be trusted. "Can nations turn to America for principled support based on values? No." 

2. The Zelensky episode proves that the U.S. is a bully, a hegemony, self-interested and self-centered. 

3. Many sympathize with Zelensky's treatment, but you have to deal with the U.S. from a position of strength; as the old Chinese saying goes, "Weak nations have no diplomacy." 

4. "Where is Europe in all this? Or -- let me be clear: Where is NATO?" The Zelensky episode is a wake-up call.

So China joins the list of countries horrified by Friday's disastrous meeting.


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