
Thursday, December 15, 2016

How Soon Before Trump Goes To War With Iran?

Trump's national security team so far includes the wingnut Mike Flynn as national security adviser; retired generals James Mattis, Secretary of Defense, and John Kelly, Secretary of Homeland Security; and Representative Mike Pompeo, Director of the CIA.

Alt-right conspiracy-monger Flynn is far from being a mainstream choice. Mattis, Kelly, and Pompeo are generally well regarded, but they certainly do not lack bellicosity. According to an article in The Nation by Bob Dreyfuss, entitled "Trump’s Foreign-Policy Appointees Are Set to Provoke War With Iran":
“Ingredients are falling, tragically, into place for a possible war with Iran,” wrote Paul Pillar, a former CIA analyst who retired in 2005 as chief of the National Intelligence Council’s Near East section, in The National Interest.

Just as the administration of George W. Bush came into office fixated on Iraq—which was the subject of the very first meeting of W.’s National Security Council on January 21, 2001—the Trump administration is likely to direct its fire against Iran. At the very least, its animosity toward Iran could lead to an escalating military confrontation and an aggressive push for regime change, while at worst it could trigger a shooting war between the two countries that could dwarf the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in both scope and intensity.

Earlier this year Flynn wrote a book-length blueprint for war with Iran, The Field of Fight: How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies, co-authored by über-hawk Michael Ledeen ["Uber-hawk"? How about "lunatic"? See my previous post, entitled "Wingnut Flynn - Updated."] Mattis, who’s nursed a decades-long animus against Iran and who was fired by President Obama as leader of the US Central Command for urging the deployment of a third aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf as part of a military buildup against Iran, has repeatedly declared that the three greatest threats to the United States are “Iran, Iran, and Iran.” And Kelly, who will help oversee the US-Mexican border, took an alarmist view about Iran’s alleged meddling in Central and South America when he led the US Southern Command.
How soon will a Trump administration move to scrap the Iran nuclear deal, a six-nation agreement (one of the nations being Trump's pal, Russia) which -- provided Iran continues to cooperate with international inspectors -- guarantees peace for the next ten years? My guess is July or August; if John Bolton, he of the Mustache of Doom, has an influential position, my guess is March or April.


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