
Sunday, December 4, 2016

You Mean Grovelling Might Not Do It?

Too far to the left -- move a little more to the right -- a little more -- aaaaah, that's the sweet spot. Maybe a tad more to the right ...

Sorry, Mittens. You gave it a good shot, but it ooks like it might be Jon Huntsman, or Dana Rohrabacher, or Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson, or the Duck Dynasty guy, or Giuliani's mental illness counselor, or some other random guy who happens to share a taco bowl with me. Only I know who the finalists are! Thanks for the massage, though; I love a happy ending. And say what they will, you looked good in the swimsuit competition, especially next to Newt Gingrich. Let Ted Cruz in when you leave, would you? And tell him -- it's up to him, mind you -- but it might be nice if he shuffles in on his knees.

Bad news for Lying Ted, Little Marco, and the rest of the lickspittles trying to fight their way back from the "Never Trump" wilderness. Some of the more moderate naysayers -- I'm looking at you, Nikki Haley; watch your step -- might scrape by, but the rest will get a plum assignment when Satan's driving a Zamboni in Hell.

Bwah hah hah hah hah!


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