
Friday, December 2, 2016

Country's Loopiest Governor Doubts Election Results

Charlie Pierce at Esquire quotes this piece from The Washington Post:
In a routine letter to newly elected state lawmakers meant to certify that they did, indeed, win their election, LePage cast a big, heaping pile of doubt on their wins — despite providing zero evidence anything went wrong. State Sen.-elect Justin Chenette (D) tweeted a copy of LePage's letter. It reads: `"I am issuing this summons and signing this election certificate despite the fact that I maintain strong concerns regarding the integrity of Maine's ballot and accuracy of Maine's election results and I cannot attest to the accuracy of the tabulation certified by the Secretary of State." It's not entirely clear what's coloring LePage's heavy doubt about his state's election system. It bears repeating he gave no evidence to back up his claim, and also, there is no evidence from state elections officials that anything happened to call results into question.
He's a Trump sycophant; he's apparently trying to shore up Trump's baseless, unsupported claim that there was widespread election fraud.

Trump and his lickspittles -- like LePage and Kris Kobach of Kansas -- maintain there were millions of illegal votes; funny they haven't come up with any.


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