
Sunday, December 4, 2016

Wall Street Journal Applauds Trump On Taiwan Call

Click here for an article at The Wall Street Journal (apparently not behind the paywall) by Rupert Hammond-Chambers, president of the U.S.-Taiwan Business Council, entitled "America’s Dangerous Drift on Taiwan."

Now, why do you suppose the president of the U.S.-Taiwan Business Council would welcome a U.S. outreach to Taiwan?

Hammond-Chambers starts by saying "President-elect Trump’s phone conversation Friday with Taiwan’s democratically elected leader is the kind of engagement that any new U.S. president should undertake as he prepares to take office."

So I guess Reagan, Reagan, Poppy, Clinton, Clinton, W., W., Obama, and Obama got it wrong.
Tensions have risen between Taiwan and China as a function of Beijing’s belligerence, and the Obama administration has done next to nothing in response.
Not to mention the Reagan, Reagan, Poppy, Clinton, W., and W. administrations.
It is China’s actions that destabilize Asia—and Mr. Trump appears to understand that.
Mr. Trump understands nothing. I doubt he knew of the existence of the one-China policy. This is the China hawks around him pulling his strings.
Mr. Trump made a bold statement of support by talking with Ms. Tsai. Instead of throwing another Trump tantrum, America’s media might consider encouraging Chinese President Xi Jinping to follow Mr. Trump’s example and have his own phone conversation with her. Who knows? It might actually reduce tensions in the Taiwan Strait.
A phone call from The Donald will result in Xi Jinping reaching out to smooth the China/Taiwan dispute? Is this The Wall Street Journal or Grimms' Fairy Tales?

I have as much hope for that as I have for Trump's idea that Jared Kushner will settle the Israeli/Palestinian problem.


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