
Sunday, December 4, 2016

Dana Rohrabacher Arm-Wrestled Putin -- And Lost

Whatever; Rohrabacher's still a right-wing rock star.

Click here for Digby's article at Hullabaloo, entitled "Another strongman fanboy under consideration."

What, another one?

That's Dana Rohrabacher, U.S. Representative, California. Digby wrote, in Salon in July, an article entitled "Dana and Donald: The California rep would be a match made in twisted-politics heaven for Trump." It tells the story of how Putin beat Rohrabacher at arm-wrestling "like that," but it also elaborates on the congressman's pro-Putinism. Digby says:
Rohrabacher is a major defender of Putin and the Russian government in the congress and a lot of people think it’s a little bit obsessive, particularly his willingness to take the part of some Russian officials on whom the US government has imposed sanctions for the jailhouse death of a Russian whistleblower. Rohrabacher intervened, meeting with these officials privately and with officers of another Russian firm associated with the crime under investigation in the US. He then tried to get the House Foreign Affairs Committee to drop this case from a bill imposing sanctions on human rights abusers from other countries, even trying to implicate the victims of the crimes as the real perpetrators despite all evidence to the contrary.

It's such a natural you have to wonder why he wasn't named earlier. With Bolton as number two, they would be quite the formidable pair of ugly Americans wreaking havoc all over the world. Winning!
My suggestions for Deputy Secretary, a triumvirate: Jesse Ventura, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Hulk Hogan.


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