
Friday, April 8, 2011

Planned Parenthood - Plus

All I've seen on TV or online about the budget battle is that Republicans have been insisting on a rider that defunds Planned Parenthood.  But according to Joan McCarter at Daily Kos, the defunding goes a lot farther than that:

"By the way, the Republicans aren't just defunding Planned Parenthood, they're taking federal funding away from all reproductive health services—including family planning—for all women's clinics. And none of that funding—none—pays for abortion. Only about a quarter of federal funds for family planning and women's healthcare goes to Planned Parenthood, three-quarters goes to clinics in communities all over the country. And for many American women, those clinics are the only healthcare they have access to."
[I think Joan is going a tad too far when she says "... they're taking federal funding away from all reproductive health services—including family planning—for all women's clinics". I think she means all federally funded women's clinics that offer abortion services].


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