
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"The Economist" Weighs In On U.S. Budget Proposals

How many times have you seen or heard Paul Ryan's "Path to Prosperity" budget proposal, otherwise known as the "Road to Ruin", described as "courageous"? Far too many. Much more courageous, in my opinion, was the plan released on April 6 by the Congressional Progressive Caucus. How many times have you seen or heard about that one at all?

Here's an excerpt from an article at the Economist entitled The courageous Progressive Caucus budget:

"Mr Ryan has been fulsomely praised for his courage. The Progressive Caucus has not.

"I'm not really sure what 'courage' is supposed to mean here, but this seems precisely backwards. For 30 years, certainly since Walter Mondale got creamed by Ronald Reagan, the most dangerous thing a politician can do has been to call for tax hikes. Politicians who call for higher taxes are punished, which is why they don't do it."

Be skeptical, though; The Economist, of course, is known to be a radical left-wing rag.


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