
Monday, April 25, 2011

A Contrarian View

This is a comment by lvliberty1 in reply to an anti-Ryan-budget post at The Nation by John Nichols, entitled As Congressional GOP Faces Voter Anger at Town Meetings, Senator Urges Hiding Out in DC.
"What is needed are conservative members of Congress who will actually tell the public the truth: that the Democrats and the MSM are lying to them about the facts. That is the primary reason for the idiotic poll responses. Most Americans are ignorant of the facts because of the liars in the MSM and the left.

1.Tell them the truth that the wealthy already carry the tax burden in this country.
2.Tell them the truth that nearly 50% of taxpayers pay NO income taxes.
3.Tell them the truth that the bottom 50% pay only 2.7% of income taxes
4.Tell them the truth that income tax revenues are up over 500% in the past 30 years.
5.Tell them the truth that domestic spending has increased by 200% in the past two years since Obama became president.
6.Tell them the truth that Medicare has an unfunded liability of over 40 TRILLION dollars
7.Tell them the truth that Social Security taxes will have to be raised by 300% by 2040 in order to pay full benefits.
8.Tell them the truth that our country is bankrupt due to unconstitutional Socialist spending for the past 75 years.

Points 1,2,3, and 8 are nonsense. The rest, I'll have check the figures and get back to you.

However, I have to agree with another criticism of this same article. It references an article at The Hill entitled Kirk: Senate Should Not Have Taken A Break.

Here's a comment by limoman:

"Here we have ANOTHER gem of Mr Nichols and another example of 'This is what journalism looks like at The Nation.'

"The article from the said [Senator Kirk] thought they shouldn't have taken a break so they could debate on the bills and get more work done. But what do we get from Mr Nichols?? His false assertion that the senator urged his fellow republicans to 'hide out' in DC so they don't have to hear from their constituents. NOWHERE in the article that Nichols cited was there ANY reference to Sen Kirk urging anyone to avoid their constituents.

"Indeed, this is what journalism looks like at [The Nation]: Just make it up as you go."

[Unfortunately, limoman has a point. The headline puts an unfair spin on the subject. I wish our side could stick to the facts and leave the twisting and distortion to the other guys.]


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