Breitbart is something different entirely. That Trump would put it in the same category exposes both his failure to understand the role of the media and his failure to recognize — or to care about — the offensiveness of what Breitbart, under the Bannon regime, represents.(In another WaPo article, entitled "Is Steve Bannon really as bad as all that?" Kathleen Parker says:
I’ve never met Bannon. If he’s charming, his apparent efforts to conceal it are effective. Photos of him show a disheveled, shaggy-haired man in need of a shave who appears to have slept in his clothes, possibly on a sidewalk grate.

Introductory sentences to a series of her paragraphs include: Breitbart is racist. Breitbart is anti-Semitic. Breitbart is anti-Muslim. Breitbart is mysogynist. Breitbart is all-around offensive and irresponsible. She fleshes out each of those leads with examples. She concludes:
Trump assured the Times that he condemns white supremacist Richard Spencer’s National Policy Institute, which greeted the election with cheers of “Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!” Breitbart has mildly described Spencer as one of the “intellectuals” of the alt-right movement and noted that his previous forum,, was “accused of racism.” Accused of racism? This is a man who has advocated for creation of a “white ethno-state on the North American continent.”
Breitbart isn’t “just a publication.” It’s a pestilence — one whose repugnant views Trump has invited into his White House.
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