Okay, we all know Sheriff David Clarke -- he of the Hat of Hatred -- is a bigoted authoritarian. Here's the video, 3:54 in length:
CARLSON: Later today, protesters in favor of illegal immigration [Right, the protesters are in favor of illegal immigration; they're not demonstrating because Trump's election is a disaster for America] plan to hold major rallies in Phoenix and New York City protesting Donald Trump's stance on the question [No, Tucker, I don't think you've characterized the protesters exactly correctly]. Our next guest says he's seen first-hand who these protesters really are, and they're not who you might expect. Joining us now from Nashville is Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, Sheriff David Clarke.Clarke unloads on the protesters -- and on "the daily press," who are intentionally misrepresenting who the protesters are; the "liberal mainstream media" are a propaganda wing for the Democrat [the word is "Democratic"; right-wingers use "Democrat" because they think it emphasizes the word "rat"] party.
Sheriff, it's great to see you this morning. The hat is fantastic; I can't deny it. I love it.
So tell us who these protesters are. We're getting one version from the daily press; you say you've seen them, and you have a different view.
More after the jump.He goes on to fearmonger that one reason for secure borders is to stop the spread of infectious diseases -- "like the Ebola virus; remember that one? [Yes, I do, and I remember the preposterous fearmongering the Republicans engaged in] And now the Zika virus. Any pregnant woman in the United States has to be very afraid [Yes, be afraid, be very afraid; fear and hatred is what Clarke's ilk use to inspire their followers] that this United States government is not doing everything it can to prevent the spread of the Zika virus." [Democrats proposed an anti-Zika bill almost immediately; Republicans blocked it because they didn't want to spend the money. But that doesn't matter: Blame the Obama administration.]
CLARKE: I call them anarchists. It's a conglomeration of misfits. You have rowdy juveniles; you have criminals; you have cop-haters; you have university students; you have organized labor [right, rowdy juveniles, criminals, cop-haters -- and university students and organized labor? There's a basket of deplorables for you] -- and there's a spattering of well-intentioned people who are being used in this, and they're put out in front to put on a good face. This is a dangerous movement; it's a totalitarian movement ... They only understand one thing, Tucker, and it's force -- and I'm talking about reasonable force by law enforcement [Oh, great; nothing like moderation. So I guess you don't want to machine-gun them or crush them with tanks] ... I'm one of those that comes from the school, if a fight is inevitable, hit first and hit hard. [Okay, so you want law enforcement to attack the protesters.]
CARLSON: So I'm a little bit confused by their position, because nobody in the press ever asks them what exactly they're for. Is the idea that it's immoral for a country to have borders [Huh?], and that anyone who wants to move to a country has a moral right to do that and to get all the benefits of citizenship without being a citizen? Is that what they're arguing? [Yeah, that's exactly what they're arguing, Tucker, you twerp. You hear that all the time from the Democrats.]
CLARKE: It sounds like it to me ...
He then characterizes the protesters -- or maybe he's talking about illegal immigrants -- as "ne'er-do-wells."
CARLSON: Hmm. It also raises a philosophical question, which is if you don't have borders, are you a ccuntry? [Great question, Tucker, you dolt.]Surprisingly, Sheriff Clarke replies, "No, you're not."
Clarke then refers to Hillary as "Mrs. Bill Clinton," a term used to belittle Hillary as merely an appendage of her husband. They also use it when they want to talk about her in connection with Bill's sexual impropriety. Surprisingly, I've never heard anyone on the right refer to "Mrs. Todd Palin," for example.
CARLSON: It would be interesting to see, if a protest like this broke out in, say, Mexico City, where people demanded that the Mexican government let everyone from Salvador, Guatemala, in -- Nicaragua -- in who wanted to come in [Yeah, that's a great parallel: Obama and Hillary want to let everyone in who wants to come in], you don't see protests like that in other countries, I notice. [Or anywhere in the world, for that matter -- the U.S. included -- but let's not nitpick.]Oh, to be running a totalitarian state where you could crush dissent! Wouldn't that be great?
CLARKE: [Let the demonization begin!] No, and this isn't protests anyway. Let's not misidentify this, okay? This is rebellion. This is an anarchist movement. They specialize in fear and intimidation and chaos, and they do it in the name of virtue. The only thing they understand, like I said, is force. And I'm talking reasonable force here [no tanks or machine guns -- at least not yet]. But like you said, in Mexico, if this were to happen and outsiders were coming in, this thing would have been crushed a long time ago.

Click here for more on Sheriff David Clarke's hatred and love of violence, an article at The Guardian, by Lois Beckett, entitled "Milwaukee sheriff says it's 'pitchforks and torches time' and stands by Trump."
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