Many people would like to see @Nigel_Farage represent Great Britain as their Ambassador to the United States. He would do a great job!

And "many people" would not like to see the Brexit architect in any position of influence, Donald. Farage, of course, while not an elected member of the House of Commons, is interim leader of the anti-immigration U.K. Independence Party (UKIP) and a bitter opponent of British Prime Minister Theresa May. He has called President Obama "a loathsome individual."
A spokesman for Prime Minister May responded: "There is no vacancy. We already have an excellent ambassador to the United States."
Jon Sopel, BBC North America editor, wrote:
By any measure this is an extraordinary intervention.There's Trump diplomacy for you -- stupid, imprudent, ill-informed, offensive. I guess we can look forward to four years (unless he is impeached; the Republican congress would love to replace him with President Pence) of being treated to whatever random trivia shoots to prominence in the chaos of Trump's brain.
The future head of state of one nation telling another country who they should appoint as their ambassador is unusual enough; when it is two nations that are meant to share a special relationship it is a breach of nearly every rule of diplomatic protocol.
At a stroke it puts tension into the Trump/ May relationship before they have even met.
It also leaves the current holder of the post, Sir Kim Darroch (pictured above), in an awkward position as he seeks to forge closer contacts with the new administration.
In Downing Street and diplomatic circles there is consternation.
But for Nigel Farage - who has always delighted in tweaking the tail of the Conservative Party - there will be amusement, and it seems in the future leader of the most powerful nation on earth he has a willing partner.
Since Mr Trump's election there has been an anticipation that the rule book might not be followed. Few anticipated this, though.
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