In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegallyAgain: It's a lie.

Carl Bernstein tweeted in response:
This factless madness shows @realDonaldTrump to be unhinged. If PresNixon had a Twitter account it would not reflect this much paranoia.And Matt Taibi weighs in:
Congratulations, America, you've turned the presidency into a four-year Alex Jones broadcast. …But click here for an article at by Brendan Morrow, entitled "Why Is Donald Trump Claiming Voter Fraud Took Place in the 2016 Election?"
Here's Trump's additional tweet on the subject:
Serious voter fraud in Virginia, New Hampshire and California - so why isn't the media reporting on this? Serious bias - big problem!The article says:
This comes four hours after Trump posted several tweets in a row claiming that the only reason Hillary Clinton won the popular vote was because millions of people cast fraudulent ballots. Trump once again did not provide any evidence to support this or specify what exactly he was referring to, but his statement implies that over two million people voted illegally during the 2016 election, an astonishing assertion for an incoming president to make.And here's a good point:
The president-elect’s tweetstorm was particularly strange considering that it came hours after he mocked Hillary Clinton for participating in a recount effort. Trump is now simultaneously stating that millions of votes were fraudulently cast and that taking another look at those votes is a waste of time. Also, one would think that if there were to be a large-scale effort to rig the election in favor of Hillary Clinton, those millions of votes would be cast in states that could actually change the result rather than in solidly-blue states like California.Speculation is that Trump is doing this because he's angered at Jill Stein's initiation of a Wisconsin recount, and Hillary's announcement that she'll participate in the recount. How is a man so petty, who lashes out at any minor slight, going to conduct himself when he's president and perceives himself insulted by a political opponent or some foreign leader?
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