
Thursday, November 10, 2016

Michael Moore Speaks Out In "Trumpland"

Here's a quotation from Michael Moore in "Trumpland":
"They’ve lost their jobs, the banks foreclosed, next came the divorce and now the wife and kids are gone, the car’s been repoed. They haven't had a vacation in years, they’re stuck with the shitty bronze plan where you can’t even get a fucking Percocet. They’ve essentially lost everything they have except one thing […]: the right to vote.

They might be penniless, they might be homeless, they might be fucked over and fucked up - it doesn't matter because it’s equalised on that day.

“On 8 November, the dispossessed will walk into the voting booth […] and put a big fucking X in the box next to the name of the man who has threatened to upend and overturn the very system that ruined their lives. Donald J. Trump."

“It will feel good."
I saw this as a video clip on a right-wing site, and the clip conveniently ended there; taken in isolation, it looks as though Moore is pro-Trump. But he goes on to say;
[It will feel good.] For a day, or maybe a week. Possibly a month. And then. Like the Brits, who wanted to send a message, so they voted to leave Europe only to find out that if you vote to leave Europe you, actually have to leave Europe.

“And now they regret it. All the Ohioans, Pennsylvanians, Michiganders and Wisconsinites of Middle England, right, they all voted to leave and now they regret it.

“And over four million of them signed a petition to have a do-over, they want another election, but It's not going to happen. Because you used the ballot as an anger management tool. And now you're fucked. And the rest of Europe. They're like, Bye Felicia.

“So when the rightfully angry people of Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin find out after a few months in office that President Trump wasn’t going to do a damn thing for them, it will be too late to do anything about it.

“But I get it, you wanted to send a message, and righteous anger, justifiable anger. Well, that you sent. Goodnight America. You’ve just elected the last president of the United States."


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